Welcome to the site of the municipality of EL FAHS

Ornamental tree cleaning and pruning campaigns The Municipality of Al-Fahs continues to implement ornamental tree cleaning and pruning campaigns that it has been implementing since the beginning of last September. At the beginning of the week, Monday October 25, 2021, it intervened mainly on the street by cleaning the edges of the road, tearing up palm trees and preventing erection on the public highway.

Including trucks for hire These campaigns will continue with the call for citizens to take the initiative to participate in this campaign by respecting waste excretion schedules and signing agreements to collect non-domestic waste from businesses open to the public of all kinds.

Contact Us

Address: Abou El Kacem Chebbi Examen EL Fahs



phone: 72670006 à 72670148

Fax: 72671523

Open Hours

Monday - Thusday: 8:00 - 14:30

Friday: 8:00 - 13:30



Saturday - sunday : Days off