Welcome to the site of the municipality of EL FAHS

The commune of Fahes between the present, the past and the future.

The commune of Fahs was created by virtue of a decree of May 22, 1941. It is located at the crossroads of important roads connecting the capital and a certain number of governorates in the north, south and center-west of Tunisia. 330 hectares. It belongs to the governorate of Zaghouan. Its economy is based mainly on trade, small trades and laboratory industries, in addition to agricultural activities (livestock) which is a transit zone for the interior of the country by virtue of the passage of the national road n ° 03 and the National Road No. 04, as well as the railway line, and it is the only urban center that attracts the economic movement of the delegation, which includes about 47,000 inhabitants and three miles from the city of Fahs. The ruins of the Roman Punic city, Tipuripomaius, are visited by over 25,000 scholars every year.



Municipality ID card examination

Founding date
438 hectares according to the approved development example 23/03/2009 Area
30 thousand inhabitants Number of inhabitants
6000 Housing number of housings
7.5 Ha D'espaces verts
18 neighborhoods Number of residential neighborhoods

Contact Us

Address: Abou El Kacem Chebbi Examen EL Fahs



phone: 72670006 à 72670148

Fax: 72671523

Open Hours

Monday - Thusday: 8:00 - 14:30

Friday: 8:00 - 13:30



Saturday - sunday : Days off